ISCO maintains its website to provide investors, partners, customers and other external parties with information regarding the company’s strategic, business, technical and operational matters. However, since the stem cell area evolves quickly, ISCO cannot warrant that this information at any point in time is current, complete or without inaccuracies. ISCO also disclaims any forward-looking statements contained in this website. Examples include statements regarding the potential benefit offered to patients with diabetes, liver disease or retinal disease that could be brought by embryonic stem cells. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements due to various factors out of ISCO’s control. Other forward-looking statements include statements regarding business progress, product development, intellectual property, etc. ISCO is an emerging business and therefore subject to risks and uncertainties. We cannot be responsible for any financial or other damages that may occur through any use of the information found on this website.